Hello... I am Rob, your personal tutorial guide.

We are happy you made it to work on time, you got a whole day ahead of you.  Your job is to work the components of this user's computer to give the best virtual experience.  All you need is your left mouse button.

When you get into your main workplace, you will find your components set up for you already. These will be what you interact with the most. Each component has an efficiency meter that can be accessed by hovering over a component.  To refill the meter, click the component and beat the minigame to restore its efficiency.  These minigames can range from spinning a fan, to Simon says.  Make sure to keep the efficiency in tip top shape.

Programs will pop up on the screen on the top left, draining a higher amount of efficiency on the different type of components, so watch out for certain components in the moments of program overload.

The higher the efficiency on the parts, the better your happy points will be.  What are your happy points?  The happy points indicates the user experience, and can be used to shop for better components.   The happy points are located at the bottom right of the work screen.

The Shop in the top right will allow you to get better components, so make sure to move around the parts by holding downing on them and dragging.  

Keep up the management and do NOT let any 2 of the components fall to 0%, or the computer will blue screen.  Just click the boot button in the top left to start your productive day of work.

-This game was made for the GMTK 2023 Game Jam

Programmers: Evan Jackson & Chris Mohri

Art Designer: Tom Catalano


Hardware_Simulator.zip 27 MB

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